School Council 18/19

Our School Council has been appointed for the new academic year. They were elected by their peers and will represent them until July 2019. At fortnightly meetings, they will discuss whole school issues and share pupils’ ideas to improve our school and help our community, with support from Miss Wood.

Outdoor Learning in Year Two

The year two children visited Victoria Park for a morning of Science and Geography lessons. They made maps of the park to follow identifying both human and physical features. The children under the expert guidance of Miss Boardman identified  the different types of trees found in the park and searched for minibeasts in their natural habitat. The children had a wonderful morning of learning and luckily the rain held off.



Reading in Year 6

This week the children have been reading an extract from Michael Morpurgo’s new book ‘In the Mouth of the Wolf.’  We were sent these extracts by the publisher, who was interested to know what the children thought!

The children have absolutely loved using them as part of our daily Guided Reading Session.

We sent some work and photographs to the publisher and received an email back  saying they would send us a free book!! Well done Year 6