Category Archives: History


On Thursday 7th March, the children in Miss Wood’s class presented their assembly about childhood during Victorian times. Well done to all the children – your speaking and singing were excellent!

Thank you to all the parents who supported the class, attending the assembly and taking part in activities with their children afterwards in class.

Year 4LL Class assembly

Today, Miss Livesey’s class taught us all about The Romans in their assembly, watched by their parents and two Year 3 classes. All the children contributed, speaking clearly and telling us about the Roman invasion and what life was like in Britain under The Romans. They also performed two songs, which showed their knowledge of Roman Numerals and Boudica – Queen of the Iceni.

After the assembly, parents visited Year 4LL classroom to look at their child’s topic work and take part in some Roman topic activities.

Thank you very much to all the parents who supported the class today and WELL DONE to Miss Livesey’s children – you were amazing!

Year 2 Trips to Staircase House

This half term, our Year 2 children have been learning about The Great Fire Of London. In order for them to ‘experience’ the events of September 1666, we took them to Staircase House in Stockport.

Here, all our children were able to see the type of house and belongings of the people who lived at that time. They were then able to dress up and take part in re-telling the story, alongside Samuel Pepys!

Romans Assembly by 4AD Class

On Thursday, Miss Dixon’s Class shared their learning about The Romans in their excellent class assembly – watched by parents and some of our younger pupils.

All the children took part, speaking confidently to their audience. They also shared their acting and singing skills with us. Well done to the whole class; all your hard work and preparation certainly paid off!

All parents were then invited to join their children in class to view their work and take part in topic activities.

Miss Boardman’s Y2 Class Visit to the Staircase House

This week, our Year 2 Classes went on a trip to the Staircase House in Stockport. We learned that this house is 500 years old! It is similar to the houses that were burnt down in the Great Fire of London!

The children dressed up as King Charles II, Samuel Pepys, maids, soldiers and a Link Boy (a Link Boy carried a lantern and escorted wealthy people around the dark streets of London, to keep them safe).

Do you know what date the Great Fire of London took place? Do you know what time the fire started and the name of the person responsible? How long did the fire burn for? Where did all the people live after the Great Fire? Y2 know the answers to all these questions!

Please continue to scroll down to see photographs from both Year 2 trips.

Romans Assembly by 4ED Class

On Thursday, Miss Duffy’s class led an assembly for their parents and some of our younger children. The children shared their learning on their recent topic – The Romans.

All the children delivered their lines clearly and confidently and their overall presentation was excellent; we also had some super singing! Afterwards, our parents came back to the classroom to look at their children’s topic work and share in ‘Roman activities’.

Thank you to all the parents/carers who were able to join us. Our Year 3&4 assemblies will continue throughout the Spring Term – next week our assembly will feature Miss Livesey’s class.