Reception’s Red Nose Day Cake Sale

The children in Reception have been very busy this week making cakes and biscuits to sell on Red Nose Day. The children sent out invitations to their parents, inviting them to come into class on Friday for our cake sale. We also made posters and displayed these on our classroom doors. At home time today, we had lots of families and friends that joined us in class to buy cakes and helped us to raise money for Comic Relief. Thanks to the fantastic support, we are pleased to announce that the cake sale raised £109.50! Thank you so much to everyone that came along! 🙂

Whole School Total now confirmed –  £537.45 

World Book Day 2019

We all enjoyed dressing up on World Book day – our classes chose different themes / authors.

This week we have also written entries for our short story competition and drawn illustrations for next year’s KS2 Planners – winners to be announced soon!

Nursery & Reception











Year 1 & 2











Year 3 & 4












Year 5 & 6








Sponsored Pancake Flip

To celebrate Shrove Tuesday, our School Council held a sponsored pancake flip in school. All children in Reception to Year 6 took part to see how many (wooden) pancakes they could flip in two minutes. All our children tried really hard and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The record number of flips went to Ammar in Year 6 with 153!!

Thank you to all our families who have very kindly sponsored their children – please send monies in to school as soon as possible. Also, a huge thank you to the parents who came into school to help over the two days, enabling us to hold this event. Here are some of our pancake flippers in action!


Enterprise Day Winners -5KW

Before Christmas, Year 5 took part in an Enterprise Day which was run in association with Manchester United and the Co-op Academy Swinton.  The winning team, from Mrs Walker’s class, were then rewarded by being invited to a tour of the museum and stadium at Manchester United.  They had a fantastic day and got to go behind the scenes, into the dressing rooms, executive lounges and even pitch-side players seats at the stadium.