During the final week of our Spring Term, many activities have taken place in school. Here is a selection of photographs from these – Easter Family Bingo, Easter Hat Competition, Spring Music Concert, ‘Science Week’ Activities, School Planner Design Competition.
KS2 Planner Cover Design Competition
All our Year 3,4,5 & 6 children have been working hard to design a new front and back cover for our Sept 2023 Pupil Planners. The winning designs were chosen this week – see below. These designs will now go to print and be used as the covers for our KS2 planner for the next two academic years. Well done to our competition winners!
Spring Music Concert
On Friday, our pianists, guitarists and the choir performed to parents in our end of term concert.
Easter Hat Competition
Well done to all our children who entered the competition. A winning hat was chosen from each class – judged by our School Governor Mrs Dunkley. The overall winner’s hat was worn by Mrs Scott at our Easter Family Bingo evenings! (see later)
Mrs Scott, our caretaker / bingo caller, also joined our final choir rehearsal, wearing the winning Easter Hat!
Easter Family Bingo
Science Week Activities
Science week assemblies and classroom activities in Year 3, 4 & 5 –