Category Archives: Visitors

World Book Day 2022

This week, we welcomed Petr Horácek to Grosvenor Road. Petr is a highly respected author-illustrator of children’s books. He spent a day with our children, sharing his books and leading workshops, culminating in the production of a spectacular mural which will now be displayed in school.

On Friday, we also encouraged children to dress up and bring their favourite books into school, as we focussed on reading activities.

Petr & Year 2’s Artwork

Travelling By Tuba

On Thursday we welcomed Chris and Stewart from Travelling By Tuba into school with their wide array of instruments. All our children were given the opportunity to experience an assembly or a workshop by the talented duo who entertain us, whilst teaching key musical knowledge. Here are some photographs from the day –



































The Life Education Caravan

This week the children visited the Life Education Caravan at school. There they met Harold the giraffe.

The children in Nursery helped Harold to get ready for school, using the items in his wash bag and talked about the importance of washing, cleaning our teeth and brushing our hair.

The children in Reception spoke to Harold on the phone and told him what sort of things made them feel happy. Some of their ideas included ‘smiling’, ‘going to the park’, ‘playing with my friends’ and ‘eating ice-cream’. 🙂

Nursery Cake Sale

For World of work week this year in Early Years we decided to learn all about chefs and bakers. We were lucky enough to have a chef come in to bake with us. Thanks again Mr Ball!

The children enjoyed baking and decorating cakes, writing recipes, counting cakes and guessing how many we could bake. It was a very busy week! Nursery ended the week with a fantastic cake sale!​

We would also like to thank all the parents and carers who supported us in coming to our cake sale on Thursday. The children absolutely loved preparing for it and the great turn out was fantastic!


Year 6 fire service talk.

Greater Manchester Fire Service came into school on Friday to speak to the pupils about summer safety. They discussed the dangers of open water swimming and the potential consequences of swimming in open water. Also discussed were the effects of antisocial behaviour on their neighbourhood. The pupils found the talk very informative and were shocked at some of the real-life scenarios they discussed. At the end they summed up what they should do: think about the consequences before you do something.

Year 6 also enjoyed watching Mr. Cronin dress up in their water rescue gear.

Is it hot in here… or is it me?