Sponsored Pancake Flip

To celebrate Shrove Tuesday, our School Council held a sponsored pancake flip in school. All children in Reception to Year 6 took part to see how many (wooden) pancakes they could flip in two minutes. All our children tried really hard and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The record number of flips went to Ammar in Year 6 with 153!!

Thank you to all our families who have very kindly sponsored their children – please send monies in to school as soon as possible. Also, a huge thank you to the parents who came into school to help over the two days, enabling us to hold this event. Here are some of our pancake flippers in action!


One thought on “Sponsored Pancake Flip”

  1. I love these pictures because all you need to do if you want to see how well people did at the pancake flipping is to look at the pictures. Everyone who joined in was brilliant. I can tell just by looking at the pictures.

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