Category Archives: Year 4


Thank you to our PTA who organised a Christmas Bauble Competition for all children in school. There were many entries in every class with all our children showing lots of creativity!

Mrs Dunkley (Chair of our Local Governing Board) and Mr Pridden were given the extremely difficult task of choosing one winner in each class, then an overall winner!

Here are our class winners; their 22 baubles are now on our Christmas tree in the main hall and they all received a prize.

CONGRATULATIONS to our overall winner – Macy T in Year 1!


We would like to say THANK YOU to all our families who were able to contribute to our Harvest Collection this year. Our display, organised by the School Council, was amazing and our largest to date  – a true reflection of our school community’s generosity and compassion. All items have now been passed to Salford Foodbank.

Photographs below show our school council with the completed display and their hard work sorting the items ready for collection by the Foodbank.


This year, our teams are taken from the Euros –

Red – England, Blue – France, Yellow – Spain, Green – Hungary, Purple – Croatia, Orange – The Netherlands

Tuesday 2nd July: Year 4

Tuesday 2nd July: Year 5

Wednesday 3rd July: Year 6

Thursday 4th July: Year 1

Thursday 4th July: Year 2

Friday 5th July: Nursery

Friday 5th July: Reception

Wednesday 10th July: Year 3

Miss Clare’s Class Assembly

On Thursday 23rd May, Miss Clare’s Year 4 children presented their assembly to parents and carers. Their topic was The Romans and they provided a detailed account of key events in Roman Britain.

They told us lots of facts, sang two songs and finished off with a Roman Rap!

Thank you to the parents and carers who were able to support our assembly and take part in activities back in the classroom. I’m sure you will agree that the children did a fantastic job!


On Friday 10th May, Miss Dixon’s Year 4 children presented their assembly about The Romans to their parents and carers. All the children contributed, learning their lines and songs really well.

Thank you to the parents and carers who were able to support our assembly and take part in activities back in the classroom. I’m sure you will agree that the children did a fantastic job!