On Thursday 7th March, the children in Miss Wood’s class presented their assembly about childhood during Victorian times. Well done to all the children – your speaking and singing were excellent!

Thank you to all the parents who supported the class, attending the assembly and taking part in activities with their children afterwards in class.


On Friday 9th and Monday 12th February, all children in school took part in our sponsored pancake flip – trying to flip as many (wooden) pancakes as possible in two minutes!

As you can see from the photographs below, the children had a great time taking part. THANK YOU for your very generous sponsorship and MANY THANKS to all the adults who came into school to help with counting flips – we really could not run the sessions without your support.


This term, all our Year 5 children have taken part in a Dragon’s Den Project organised by Co-op Academy Swinton and the Manchester United Foundation. They were asked to create a new product and to present this to four judges.

After a nail-biting school competition judged by Mr Pridden and Mrs Peacock, two teams were put forward to represent our school at the Final, up against four other Swinton primary schools – seven teams in total.

On Thursday 29th February, both teams made their pitch to the four ‘dragons’ at the Final – they were excellent and judged to be in the top three overall. We are very pleased to report that our Bombastic Boots Team were the overall winners!

Well done to all our children – here are photographs from the finals at Co-op Academy Swinton, plus a montage video created by Manchester United Foundation –


On Monday 5th February, our choir sang at the AO Arena, Manchester alongside 8000 other children in the Young Voices Concert.

All the children in our choir have worked very hard to learn all the songs and their efforts were rewarded on Monday evening. We are all extremely proud of them – they sang so well and a fantastic time was had by all at this very special event.

Thank you to all our parents and families who supported us and all those who helped the choir along the way.

Here are photographs and videos of our afternoon and evening at the Arena:


Over the past two weeks, all children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have performed their Christmas Sing-a-longs and Nativities to packed audiences in our school hall. Thank you to all our families for supporting these events..

.. and well done to all our children- their singing and acting has been amazing!

Here are photographs from each performance –

Year 2

Year 1



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